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Farmer Law PC eBooks


H-2B Visa Informational Guide

The H-2B visa program allows U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to meet temporary or seasonal non-agricultural labor needs. The H-2B visa program has a numerical cap of 66,000. The 66,000 visas are allocated equally in each half of the fiscal year, 33,000 on October 1 and 33,000 on April 1. Download our free guide to learn more about this visa; the difference from H-1B; Worker Eligibility; Employer Requirements; Fraud; Violations; Best Practices; Trends and statistics in the guest worker program.

H-2A Visa Compliance Guide

The H-2A visa program allows U.S. employers to employ foreign nationals to meet temporary or seasonal agricultural labor needs. The H-2A visa has no numerical cap and is an excellent source of legal labor for agricultural employers. Download our free guide to learn more about this visa; The offered wage rate 20 CFR 655.120; Job Orders and Employer Attestations; Paying your H-2A Workers and Maintaining the Proper Pay Roll; The Three- Fourths Guarantee.
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